■■■■■7/31−8/2 ハーグ平和記念:早稲田国際会議■■■■■

会 議 資 料 紹 介


1 序説としての覚書(和・英)  浦田賢治・早稲田大学教授
Introductory Note
Kenji Urata, Professor of Waseda University

2 核兵器の廃絶に向けての法と法律家の役割(和・英) クリストファー・G. ウィラマントリー・前ICJ判事
The Role of Law and Lawyers for Nuclear Weapons Abolition
C. G. Weeramantry, Former Judge of ICJ

3 The Nuclear Weapons Opinion of the International Court of Justice and its Implications
John Burroughs, Executive Director, Lawyers' Committee on Nuclear Policy

4 下田事件判決と核兵器勧告的意見の比較的考察 (和・英)山田寿則/小倉康久
A Comparative Reflection on the Shimoda Case and the ICJ's Advisory Opinion

5 Survey and Preliminary Analysis of Domestic Cases in which Defendants Raises
the Advisory Opinion of the ICJ on the Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear
Saul Mendrovitz (Dag Hammarskjold Professor of International Law, Rutgers
School of Law) and John Burroughs
 ANNEX:Basic Information on Cases in Database Concerning ICJ Advisory Opinion
on the Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons

6 被爆者の日本の裁判所における闘い−ICJの勧告的意見に背を向ける日本政府 
宮原哲朗・弁護士 原爆症認定訴訟弁護団


1 United States Courts and Cases of U.S. Civil Resistance to Nuclear Weapons:
Implementing a coherent rule of law based on universal humanitarian rules and
principles, human rights and care for our common environment. 
Anabel Dwyer, a Board Member of the Lawyers' Committee on Nuclear Policy

2 Judicial Responses to the Unlawfulness of Nuclear Weapons: Lesson and (Emerging
Strategies from the UK 
Phil Shiner, Solicitor, Public Interest Lawyers and Peacerights, UK

3 Challenging the Nanoose Expropriation :In the Federal Court of Canada, Society
Promoting Environmental Conservation (SPEC)vs. the Attorney General of Canada
D. W. Wright, Q.C. and co-counsel for the Applicant(SPEC),CANADA

4 Legal Proceeding Against Nuclear Weapons:20 Years of Litigation in the
Meindert J. F. Stelling, Board Member of IALANA-Netherlands

5 A Nuclear Weapons Convention: From Idea to Reality
Alyn Ware, Consultant at Large for the Lawyers' Committee on Nuclear Policy

6 Law, Politics and the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons
Anthony DiFiilippo, Professor of Sociology, Lincoln University

7 War, Peace and the Rule of Law in the 21st Century
Stal Eskeland, Professor dr.juris, Oslo University 

8 The International Court of Justice and the Scottish High Court: Two Views of
the Illegality of Nuclear Weapons
Peter Weiss, President of IALANA

 仮 訳 
2001年7月31日   A4版 全33頁